Thursday, 24 January 2013


Introduction: The system life cycle - Traditional life cycle models - The object-oriented approach- the Rational Unified Process (RUP) - The Unified Modeling Language (UML) - UML models -Introduction to the case study - Requirements for the Wheels case study system – Requirements engineering - Requirements elicitation - List of requirements for the Wheels system - Use cases -Use case diagram - Use case descriptions- Actors and actor descriptions - Use case relationships: communication association, include and extend - Boundary - Using the use case model in system development.

1. Explain the system life cycle?
            When undertaking any large project, it is important to have some kind of framework in order to help identify milestones, structure activities and monitor deliverables. The development of a software system is no different from any other kind of project in needing some kind of framework within which the developers can work together.
            An agreed framework for development brings many advantages, and the larger and more complex the project, the more evident these advantages become. First, a framework provides an overall picture of the development process; this picture is not cluttered by detail of what goes on at any stage in the process, but is useful as a high-level view of the major areas of activity, milestones and project deliverables. A framework provides a basis for development and ensures a certain level of consistency in how the work is approached.
           Consistency of approach is important when a large number of developers are involved, and is helpful for new staff joining the project after it has started. A framework plays a significant role in ensuring quality, both of the development process and of the final system, by providing a structure for project management- planning, monitoring and controlling the development project.

            In software system development, a framework has traditionally been known as a system life cycle model. Although life cycle models have been around for a long time, there is still no general agreement about the precise stages in the development process, the activities that take place at any particular stage, or what isproduced at the end of it. This is hardly surprising, since factors such as the type of system being built, the software being used; the time scales and the development environment will all influence decisions about the detailed stages of a project.
            Historically these stages have been referred to as requirements, analysis, design, implementation and installation. Each stage is concerned with particular issues and produces a set of outputs or deliverables.

2. Explain the Traditional life cycle?
                   Over the years there have been a number of life cycle models based on the development stages outlined in Table 1.2.
Waterfall: This early life cycle model represents the stages of development as a straightforward sequence, where one stage must be completed before the next begins. It was the first model to identify the different stages that make up the system development process, and its simplicity has made it a useful model for many years. However, the waterfall model is not really a true reflection of what actually happens in system development, since it does not emphasize the need to iterate over the stages.

V-model: This is a variation of the waterfall, where the stages are visualized in the form of the letter 'V'. It emphasizes how later stages of development are related to earlier stages; for example, how testing should be derived from the activities that are carried out during requirements and analysis.

Spiral: This model is also derived from the waterfall. It incorporates iteration of life cycle stages and focuses on identifying and addressing the risks involved in development.

Prototyping: In the prototyping life cycle, implementation takes place early in the development process. The working model produced is subsequently refined and enhanced during a series of iterations until it is acceptable to the client.

Iterative development: This approach is closely related to the spiral model and to prototyping. A skeleton version covering the complete functionality of the system is produced and then refined as development progresses.

Incremental development: In this life cycle model the system is partitioned according to areas of functionality. Each major functional area is developed and delivered independently to the client. For example, in the bike hire system, tasks relating to issuing a bike might be developed and delivered, followed by returning a bike and then maintaining customer records.

3. Explain the object-oriented approach?
            One of the differences that is immediately obvious between traditional life cycle models and the object-oriented approach is the way that the various stages are named. In traditional models the names, such as 'analysis' or 'implementation', reflect the activities that are intended to be carried out in that stage. In object orientation, however, a clear distinction is made between the activities and the stages (generally referred to as phases) of development. The phases in object-oriented development are known as inception, elaboration, construction and transition, indicating the state of the system, rather than what happens at that point in the development.

Inception covers the initial work required to set up and agree terms for the project. It includes establishing the business case for the project, incorporating basic risk assessment and the scope of the system that is to be developed.

Elaboration deals with putting the basic architecture of the system in place and agreeing a plan for construction. During this phase a design is produced that shows that the system can be developed within the agreed constraints of time and cost.

Construction involves a series of iterations covering the bulk of the work on building the system; it ends with the beta release of the system, which means that it still has to undergo rigorous testing.

Transition covers the processes involved in transferring the system to the clients and users. This includes sorting out errors and problems that have arisen during the development process.

In object-orientation, activities such as analysis or design are referred to as workflows.

                  Fig 1.1 Workflows that take place during development of a system
      It is recognized that a workflow may be carried out at more than one development phase and that developers may well engage in then whole range of workflows during every phase of building a system. For example, in inception, requirements engineering and analysis will obviously take place, but there may well also be some design activity and even some implementation if all or part of the system is to be prototyped. During the construction phase the main activities will be implementation and testing, but if bugs are found there will have to be some requirements and analysis as well.

.A description...

            Fig 1.2: An object-oriented view of development phases and work flows.
         The object-oriented approach also recognizes fully the reality of iterative development. Activities at any phase do not take place in a neatly ordered fashion. A developer may have to revisit a range of workflows several times during one phase of development, before it is possible to move on to the next phase.

                       Fig 1.3 Phases of object-oriented development with iterations of workflows

        The process is supported by the fact that object-oriented development is driven by a single unifying idea- that of the object. Because the object is the foundation of all development work, object-orientation does not introduce new models to describe the system at different phases, but develops and refines early models from the inception phase right through the development process.

4. Explain the Rational Unified Process (RUP)?

A life cycle does not provide a high-level representation of the stages that a development project must go through to produce a successful system, but it does not attempt to dictate how this should be achieved, nor does it describe the activities that should be carried out at each stage.

           Object-oriented projects use the Unified Modeling Language as the principal tool in their development process. UML has been approved by the Object Management Group (OMG).

           However, UML is simply a notation or language for development; it is not in itself a development method and does not include detailed instructions on how it should be used in a project.

           RUP is based on the following
Ø  Develop software iteratively
Ø  Manage requirements
Ø  Use component-based architectures
Ø  Visually model software
Ø  Verify software quality
Ø  Control changes to software.
Develop software iteratively
Each iteration is defined as a complete development loop resulting in the release of an executable product that is a subset of the final system. In this way RUP supports incremental development- the frequent release of small packages of software that gradually build up to become the final system. Iteration and incremental development encourage involvement and feedback from clients and users; they make it easier to cope with changes, and reduce the risk factors associated with any development project.

Manage requirements
RUP offers sound support for eliciting, organizing and recording requirements. Precise documentation of requirements facilitates traceability through the development process, which enhances the quality of the final system result of which we get robust and reliable system.

Use component-based architectures
RUP prescribes the early identification and development of a system structure that is at the same time robust enough to ensure system reliability, and flexible enough to accommodate changes.
RUP describes how to construct an architecture combining both new and previously existing components, thus encouraging the reuse of software as part of the development process.

Visually model software
              RUP is based around the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a vehicle for development.
UML diagrams facilitate communication between developers and users and between members of the
development team, they offer a number of different views of the system which combine to give a complete picture, they help developers to decompose the problem into smaller, more manageable chunks, and they provide a means of abstraction, concentrating on important information while hiding details that are currently irrelevant.

Verify software quality
RUP provides the techniques to support quality assessment of functionality, reliability and performance throughout the development process.

Control changes to software
Changes are the norm in a software development project, so an effective development process must be able to monitor and control them.

           RUP is an increasingly popular approach to developing software systems, and is already laying claim to be the industry standard.

5. Explain the Unified Modeling Language (UML)?
            The Unified Modeling Language, or UML, is a set of diagrammatic techniques, which are specifically tailored for object-oriented development, and which have become an industry standard for modeling object-oriented systems.


            Architects and engineers have always used special types of drawing to help them to describe what they are designing and building. Each model produced represents part of the system or some aspect of it, such as the structure of the stored data, or the way that operations are carried out. Each model provides a view of the system, but not the whole picture.

                     Fig 1.4 Different models showing different information about one real-life person

          The family tree is a graphical, diagrammatic model. Using these we can see that she has four brothers and is the youngest child; we also discover the first names of Jane's parents and siblings. 

         The Textual model tells us some details about Jane, her birth date, address, school and which
class she is in. Each model (the photograph, the family tree and the piece of text) tells us something about Jane, but we can only get all the information by looking at all the models.

        The characteristic of a model to provide some but not all the information about the person or thing being modeled is known as abstraction. Abstraction is a very important tool in modeling any sort of software system Abstraction provides a means of concentrating on only those aspects of the system those are currently of interest so as to develop the model.

       Another, equally important tool for modeling software systems is decomposition. This is the breaking down of a large, complex problem or system into successively smaller parts, until
each part is a 'brain-size' chunk and can be worked on as an independent unit.

UML models
       UML is not a development method since it does not prescribe what developers should do, it is a diagrammatic language or notation, providing a set of diagramming techniques that model the system from different points of view.

        The 4 + 1 view. The authors of UML, Booch et al., (1999), suggest we look at the architecture of a system from five different perspectives or views:
·         The use case view
·         The design view
·         The process view
·         The implementation view
·         The implementation view

Ø  The use case view of   the system is the users' view: it specifies what the user wants the system to do; the other 4 views describe how to achieve this. The use case view describes the external behavior of the system.
Ø  The design view (sometimes called the logical view) describes the logical structures required to provide the functionality specified in the use case view. The design view describes the classes of the system and their interactions. This view is captured in the class diagram and the interaction diagrams.
Ø  The process view is concerned with describing concurrency in the system; sequence diagrams can be used to achieve it.
Ø  The implementation view describes the physical software components of the system, such as executable files, class libraries and databases. This view of the system can be modeled using component diagrams.
Ø  The deployment view of the system describes the hardware components of the system such as PCs, Mainframes, printers and the way they are connected. This view can also be used to show where software components are physically installed on the hardware elements. Deployment diagrams describe this view of the system.

        Not all of these views will be required for every system. For instance, if your system does not use concurrency, you will not need a process view. If your system runs on a single machine, you will not need the deployment view or the component view, as all of the software components will be installed on one machine.
        The 4 + 1 view gives us five different ways of viewing a system and is supported in UML by modeling techniques to capture each view.  Each one offers a different perspective; no one gives us the whole picture.

UML and CASE tools:  One of the advantages of a standardized language for producing diagrams during system development is that a number of CASE tools have been developed to provide
automated support for developers.
              CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) refers to any piece of software that has been designed to help people develop systems. CASE tool can be a simple drawing program or basic debugger, but today almost all CASE tools cover the whole of the system life cycle, and provide automated support for all development activities, both technical and managerial.

Introduction to the case study
The case study which is used as the basis for examples and exercises in this book is a typical bicycle hire shop. If you have ever hired a bicycle, you will already be familiar with some of the details; in fact, if you have ever hired anything, such as a car or even a video, you will see that the basic processes are very similar.
The bike hire shop is called Wheels, and was started by Mike Watson, the current owner, about ten years ago. Mike has always been a keen cyclist, and still competes regularly in local races and rides for charity. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of all types of bike, and is very proud of the range and quality of his stock.
The business has done well, and now occupies large premises near the centre of town with a big storage and workshop area in the basement. Wheels attracts a lot of passing custom because of the position of the shop, and also gets many returning customers who know that they will be given a good quality bike that will suit their needs.

6. Explain the Requirements for the Wheels case study system?
These requirements form the starting point for the object-oriented development of the Wheels system that is described in requirements.

Requirements engineering
            The activities that capture and record client requirements are known collectively as requirements engineering. Requirements engineering is a crucial and complex part of any system
development, not just object-oriented projects.
           Requirements engineering is traditionally divided into three main stages:
Ø  Elicitation: when information is gathered relating to the existing system, current problems and requirements for the future.
Ø  Specification: when the information that has been collected is ordered and documented.
Ø  Validation: when the recorded requirements are checked to ensure that they are consistent with what the clients and users actually want and need.

7. Explain the Requirements elicitation?
During requirements elicitation, the focus is on collecting as much information as possible about what the clients and users want and need from the new system. This usually involves a large amount of work examining the way in which the system operates at present, whether it is manual, automated, or a mixture of both. Techniques for requirements elicitation include interviews, questionnaires, and study of documents, observation of people carrying out day-to-day tasks, and assessment of the current computer system if there is one.

Interviews: Successful elicitation of requirements depends on good communication with clients and users, and one of the most effective ways of achieving good communication is through one-to one interviews. Ideally, a developer should interview everyone in the client organization, from secretaries and office juniors to bosses and managers. However, in a large business this is clearly not practicable, so it is important that those members of staff who are interviewed are a representative cross-section of the people who will be involved in the new system.

Fig 1.5 Interview plan for interview with Annie Price, shop manager at Wheels
       The extract from the interview with Annie is fairly typical in that relevant information does not emerge in a structured, coherent order. From what Annie says, we can identify a number of areas
that seems to be causing problems.
·         It takes a long time to deal with queries such as 'Have you got 5 women’s mountain bikes?' or 'How much would it cost to two adult racers for three days?'
·         The only way Annie can tell if a bike is in the shop and available for hire is by looking on the shop floor.
·         The bike cards are kept in number order, so Annie has to know the bike number before she can find its card.
·         Wheels do not seem to keep any records of their customers' details or the bikes that they hired on previous occasions.
·         When a customer hires more than one bike, Annie has to fill out a separate card for each one.
·         Annie has to write out receipts for the customers by hand.
·         Bike return is slow because it takes Annie a while to calculate whether the whole deposit can be returned.
·         Important information about novelty bikes has to be written on the standard bike card

       Questionnaires: In order to build up a comprehensive list of requirements for the new system, it is important for the developer to find out as much as possible about what the bike shop’s customers think about the current bike hire procedures. E.g.) Feedback form.

        Scenarios:  Scenarios have been popular as a method of requirements elicitation for many years and have now become closely associated with object-oriented development of systems. A scenario is a sequence of interactions between a user and the system carried out in order to satisfy a specified goal. Scenario is a sequence of particular events, not a general description. This example illustrates the straightforward return of a bike, without any problems It is also important for the developer to find out about what happens when a goal is not achieved, for example a customer may come into Wheels to return a bike, but the bike card is missing.
                    Fig 1.6 Simple scenario for the return of a bike in the current Wheels system               

Requirements specification:
          The main purpose of requirements specification is to collate, order and record the mass of information gathered during the elicitation

Requirements validation:
          The purpose of the validation stage of requirements engineering is to make sure that the developer has understood and recorded correctly the wishes and needs of the clients and users of the new system. Some validation can be carried out in parallel with elicitation, one of the most effective methods of validation is to cross reference information obtained from different elicitation approaches.

7. Mention the List of requirements for the Wheels system?(6 marks)
             The new Wheels system must:
R1    keep a complete list of all bikes and their details including bike number, type, size, make,      model, daily charge rate, deposit (this is already on the Wheels system).
R2    keep a record of all customers and their past hires transactions.
      R3    work out automatically how much it will cost to hire a given bike for a given number of days.
      R4    record the details of a hire transaction including the start date, estimated duration, customer and bike, in such a way that it is easy to find the relevant transaction details when a bike is returned.
       R5    keep track of how many bikes a customer is hiring so that the customer gets one unified receipt not a separate one for each bike
      R6    cope with a customer who hires more than one bike, each for different amounts of time
      R7     work out automatically, on the return of a bike, how long it was hired for, how many days were originally paid for, how much extra is due
      R8     record the total amount due and how much has been paid
      R9     print a receipt for each customer
R10   keep track of the state of each bike, e.g. whether it is in stock, hired out or being repaired
R11   provide the means to record extra details about specialist bikes.

Use cases model the user’s view of the functionality of a system, i.e. what the system does as far as the user is concerned; what it does that is of value to the user. The use case model provides a means of organizing, structuring and documenting the mass of information discovered during requirements elicitation; it therefore forms an integral part of the requirements specification stage of the development process.
Use cases are normally presented in a graphical form, the use case diagram, supported by textual descriptions, use case and actor descriptions, and scenarios.

8. Explain the Use case diagram?
The use case model consists of a use case diagram, a set of use case descriptions, a set of actor descriptions and a set of scenarios. The use case diagram models the problem domain graphically using four concepts: the use case, the actor, the relationship link and the boundary.
Fig 1.7 The UML symbols for use case diagrams

UML symbols used to model these concepts are shown in Fig. The use cases: 'Maintain bike list', 'Maintain customer list', 'Handle enquiries', 'Issue bike' and 'Handle bike return'. Each use case is linked by a line to an actor. The actor, represented by a stick figure, is the person (sometimes a computer system or an organization) who uses the system in the way specified in the use case or who benefits from the use case.
Fig 1.8 Use case diagram for Wheels
The use case:
    Identifying use cases from the actors: There are several ways of approaching use case identification. One is to identify the actors, the users of the system, and for each one, to establish how they use the system, what they use it to achieve. Issuing bikes therefore will be one of the use cases. Issuing bikes involves finding a suitable bike, calculating the hire charge, collecting the money, issuing a receipt and recording details of the customer and the hire transaction.
   Identifying use cases from scenarios: Another approach to identifying use cases is to start with the scenarios.  Scenario describes a series of interactions between the user and the system in order to achieve a specified goal. Each use case represents a group of scenarios. Scenarios belonging to the same use case have a common goal - each scenario in the group describes a different sequence of events involved in achieving (or failing to achieve) the use case goal. The scenarios should document:
  • A typical sequence of events leading to the achievement of the use case goal - e.g. a customer hires one bike
  • An obvious variation on the norm- e.g. a customer hires several bikes for a fixed period; a customer hires several bikes for different periods; a customer hires a specialist bike etc.
  • Sequences of events where the use case goal is not achieved - e.g. the customer cannot find a bike he likes; the customer thinks the cost is too great, etc.

          A use case is a complete end-to-end use of the computer, a complete path through the system. A use case must deliver some benefit to the actor associated with it - it must have a goal. Each use case will have several scenarios associated with it. Some will be successful, i.e. achieve the use case goal, some will not.

Use case descriptions
        The use case description is a narrative document that describes, in general terms, the required functionality of the use case.

High-level description: It is useful to have two distinct types of use case description. In the early stages of software development, when no detailed decisions have been made about the design of the system and particularly the design of the user interface, it is enough to have short unstructured descriptions, known as high level descriptions.
                  Fig 1.9 High-level description of the "Issue bike" use case    

Expanded use case description: This description is more detailed and structured than the high-level use case description. It should document:
·         What happens to initiate the use case
·         Which actors are involved
·         What data has to be input
·         The use case output
·         What stored data is needed by the use case
·         What happens to signal the completion of the use case
·         Minor variations in the sequences of events

                         Fig 1.10Expanded description of the "Issue bike" use case

Preconditions: Some practitioners include a section for preconditions in the expanded use case descriptions. We might specify, for example, that the bike list needs to be up to date before the use case 'Issue bike' is performed, i.e. the use case 'Maintain bike list' must have been executed.

           Fig 1.11 Expanded description of the "Issue bike" use case with preconditions

Actors and actor descriptions
Actors are external to the system- they represent people or things that interact with the system and receive some benefit from it. Normally an actor is a user, but sometimes it is another system such as banking or accounting system; an actor can also represent a hardware device such as a printer. Typically an actor is someone who inputs information to the system or receives information from it (or both).

Actors are identified during the requirements elicitation stage by asking such questions as:
Who is involved in major system processes such as issuing bikes?
Who will use the new system?
Who supplies information to the system?
Who will receive output from the system?
Actor descriptions: An actor description briefly describes the actor in terms of role and job title.
Ø  The Receptionist uses the system to answer queries about bike availability and cost, to issue a bike for hire and to register a bike return. The Receptionist can be the shop manager (Annie), any of the mechanics or the owner (Mike).
Ø  The Administrator uses the system to maintain lists of customers and bikes. The Administrator can be the head mechanic (Naresh), the shop manager (Annie) or the owner (Mike).
9. Explain the Use case relationships in detail?
             Use case relationships: communication association, include and extend Communication association. In a use case diagram the line linking an actor to a use case is called a communication association. Communication associations tell us which actors are associated with which use cases. Each actor may be associated with many use cases and each use case may be associated with many actors.

Include: Two other types of relationship may be used on a use case diagram- <<include>> and <<extend>>. Both <include>> and <<extend>> are relationships between use cases. An <include>> relationship is useful when you find you have a chunk of behavior that is common to several use cases. Rather than repeat a description of that behavior in several use case descriptions, the common behavior can be split off into a separate use case which is then linked to all relevant use cases with an <include>> relationship.

Fig 1.12 Wheels system with includes and extends relationships

Figure: Wheels system with includes and extends relationships
Extend. The <<extend>> relationship is used as a way of specifying significant alternative behavior in a use case. It usually documents functionality that the user can opt to use over and above the norm. The practice of using an <<extend>> relationship in this way is only for documenting important variations from the normal course of events.
We would use an <<extend>> relationship if we want to describe:
·         Extra functionality that is available if required, for example printing a list rather than just viewing it on the screen
·         Behavior done only under certain conditions, for example printing an extra receipt if the whole deposit is not returned.
      Fig 1.13 Extract from the Wheels use case diagram showing the relationship between "Issue bike" and "Maintain customer list".

Documenting <<include>> and <<extend>> in the use case description. If we
Documenting <<include>> and <<extend>> in the use case description: If we have added <<include>> or <<extend>> relationships to a use case diagram, we must document them in the use case description. This is done using the keyword 'initiate'.

             In general the concept of the system boundary is important as it delineates the domain of study. The system boundary may be included on a use case diagram as a line round the use cases, separating them from the actors; normally it is labeled with the name of the system or subsystem.

10. Explain how use case models are useful in software development?

             Each of the UML models concentrates on modeling its own particular aspects of the system while ignoring others: they provide complementary views of the system. The use case model gives the user coherent and detailed documentation of what the system does or will do.
Checking the system using the use case model:
            The use case model provides an excellent basis for system testing. As each use case models a significant task, the use cases provide ready made testing units. The scenarios provide instances of the normal sequence of events in the use case and the main alternatives; exactly what is required for testing purposes.
Estimating using use cases:
        Project managers find use cases useful for planning and estimating the development process. Once the system has been broken down into a set of use cases and the nature of each use case understood, the project manager will have a good idea of how long each will take to develop, how much risk is attached to each and how vital each is to the success of the project.
Basis for interaction diagrams:
         Use cases are closely related interaction diagrams, i.e. sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams. A use case provides a description of a particular task; the corresponding interaction diagram shows how that use case will work in terms of messaging between objects.
Starting point for the identification of classes:
   Use case descriptions and scenarios can provide the starting point for the identification of
classes for the class diagram.  
Technical points:
Ø  Documenting extension points in a use case diagram:
                   Extension points can be documented on the use case diagram as in fig. In the lower half of the use case ellipse we specify the names of the extension points - in this case  ‘Add customer' and 'Edit customer'.
              We can also specify the circumstances under which the extending use case is executed by adding a comment on the relationship - in this case 'New customer or change customer details’.

                      Fig 1.14 Documenting extension points in a use case diagram

Ø  Generalization.
               Both use cases and actors can be specialized, i.e. we can use an inheritance (otherwise known as a generalization/ specialization) relationship between actors and between use cases. In object-oriented development inheritance is primarily associated with class diagrams. If an inheritance relationship exists between two entities it means that one inherits the characteristics of the other. Where use cases are concerned, the use of generalization is another way of specifying alternative courses of events.
                                                   Fig 1. 15 Generalization/specialization relationship

    Initiating actor and participating actor. It is worth understanding

Ø  Initiating actor and participating actor:
           The initiating actor is the one who starts off the sequence of events, i.e. initiates the use case. The rest of the actors involved in the use case are the participating actors. The most important actor is the one known as the beneficiary, i.e. the one who gets benefit from the use case: the one using the computer, as specified in the use case, to do something useful for him.

     In the Wheels case study we have not modeled  Customer as an actor although it is often the customer who initiates a use case.
                                 Fig 1.16 Use case diagram with Customer actor
Ø  Essential and real use case: I
            It is worth understanding the difference between essential and real use .An essential use case is one that is completely free of implementation or detailed design decisions. Real use cases, by contrast, do show detail of design and implementation decisions insofar as they affect the user.

                   A stereotype is a specialized use of a modeling element. The <<include>> and <<extend>> are stereotyped association relationships
                 Fig 1.16 Receptionist as actor drawn as a stereotyped class
               Strictly speaking the actor icon is a stereotyped class. Instead of using the stick figure to model an actor such as the Receptionist, we could equally well use the UML class icon and label it as an actor stereotype.
Ø  Subsystems and Packages:
             UML has grouping notation known as a package to cope with this. Packages are simply a convenient notation for managing our models, they do not represent anything in the system, but are used to group elements that do represent things in the system. We can use packages to group any set of modeling elements: classes, use cases or an entire set of models, e.g. the use case model, the object model, and the interaction diagrams relating to a subsystem.
                                            Fig 1.17 Packages of use cases

Ø  Use case realization: The development of a use case from the initial identification during requirements elicitation to its implementation is known as use case realization. During use case realization, once all the use cases have been identified and documented, each use case is analyzed separately to identify the classes required by it. The group of classes involved in a particular use case is known as collaboration. The classes in a particular are often grouped into a package.

Disadvantages of use case model:
Ø  Can more than one actor be associated with a use case?
Ø  What dictates the granularity of use cases, i.e. how do we know how big or how small to make them?
Ø  How do I know when it is appropriate to use an <<include>>relationship?

                                                     Fig 1.17 Unnecessary use of <<include>>
1 Can more than one actor be associated with a use case?

1. Write about the traditional development methodologies?
      Most traditional development methodologies are either algorithm centric ordata centric.
   a) Algorithm-centric methodology:
      You think of an algorithm that can accomplish the task, and the build data structures for that algorithm to use.
   b) Data- centric methodology:
     You think how to structure the data, and then build the algorithm around that structure.

2. Define objects.
Ø  Object is a real-world entity, identifiably separate from its surroundings, has a well defined set of attributes and a well-defined set of procedures or methods.
Ø  Properties (or attributes) describe the state (data) of an object.
Ø  Methods (procedures) define its behavior. Object means a combination of data and logic that represents some real-world entity.
Ø  (E.g.) Car is an object. Color, manufacturer, cost, owner etc are attributes.
       Drive it, lock it, tow it, carry passengers in it are all methods.

3. What do you mean by software development process?
The software development process consists of
Ø     Analysis
Ø    Design
Ø     Implementation
Ø    Testing
Ø     Refinement
Ø    The essence of software development process is to transform users’ needs
into a software solution that satisfies those needs. The main point is to build high quality software.
Ø    Print
Ø    server
Ø    Item
Ø    Requesting for printing

4. Explain briefly the waterfall approach.
a. It starts with deciding what is to be done
b. Once the requirements have been determined, we next must decide how toaccomplish them.
c. Followed by a step in which we do it.
d. We then must test the result to see if we have satisfied the users’requirements.
e. Finally we use what we have done.

A description...

5. Define collaboration.
The object-oriented programming community has adopted use-cases to aremarkable degree. Scenarios are a great way of examining who does what in theinteractions among objects and what role they play; that is their interrelationships. This intersection among objects’ roles to achieve a given goal is called collaboration.

6. Write the 80-20 rule.
a. Documentation is another important activity, which does not end withobject-oriented analysis but should be carried out throughout the systemdevelopment.
b. The 80-20 rule generally applies for documentation: 80 percent of the work can be done with 20 percent of the documentation.

7. Define Prototype. Give the types of prototype.
A prototype is a version of a software product developed in the early stages ofthe product’s life cycle for specific, experimental purposes. A prototype enables you to fully understand how easy or difficult it will be to implement some of the features of the system. It also gives users a chance to comment on the usabilityand usefulness of the user interface design.
Do it
        Prototypes have been categorized in various ways.
Ø     Horizontal prototype
Ø     Vertical prototype
Ø    Analysis prototype
Ø    Domain prototype

8. Write a brief note on RAD.
a. Rapid application development (RAD) is a set of tools and techniques that can be used to build an application faster than typically possible with traditional methods.
b. The developer sacrifices the quality of the product for the quickerdelivery.
c. RAD does not replace the system development life cycle but complementsit, since it focuses more on process description and can be combined perfectly with theobject-oriented approach.
d. The main objective of RAD is to build a version of an application rapidlyto see whether the system does what it is supposed to do.
e. RAD involves a number of iterations. RAD encourages the incrementaldevelopment approach.

9. Write about CBD?
Component based development is an industrialized approach to the softwaredevelopment process. Application development moves from custom developmentto assembly of rebuilt, pretested, reusable software components that operate witheach other.

10. Why do we go for object oriented systems development?
The motivation factor behind object-oriented system development is the desireto make software development easier and more natural by raising the level ofabstraction to the point where the level of abstraction to the point where applications can be implemented in the same terms n which they are described by users.

11. What is horizontal prototype?
It is a simulation of the interface ie, it has the entire user interface thatwill be in the full-featured system but contains no functionality.

12. Explain the domain prototype?
It is an aid for the incremental developmental of the ultimate softwaresolution. It often is used as a tool for the staged delivery of subsystems to theusers or other members of the developmental team.

13. Write about the Vertical prototype?
It’s a subset of the system features with complete functionality. Theprincipal advantage of this method is that the few implemented functionality canbe tested in great depth.

14. Explain Analysis prototype?
It is an aid for exploring the problem domain. This class of prototype isused to inform the user and demonstrate the proof of a concept. It is not used asthe basis of development. The final product will use the concepts exposed by theprototype, not its code.

15. Define OOAD?
            OOAD is the software engineering application that models a system as a group of interacting objects. Each object represents some entity in the s/w being modeled and characterized by its class, its state and its behavior.

16. Define OOA?
              During Object oriented analysis phase object modeling technique are used to analyze the functional requirements of the system and create models which reflect the logical design of the system.

17. Define OOD?
            During Object oriented design phase models are elaborated upon to include implementation specific details that show how the physical design of the system will come together.

18. Define UML?
           The Unified Modeling Language, UML, is a set of diagrammatic techniques, which are specifically used for object-oriented development. However UML is simply a notation or language for development; it is not in itself a development method and does not include detailed instructions on how it should be used in a project.

19. What do u meant by requirements engineering?
                The activities that capture and record client requirements are known collectively as requirements engineering. Requirements engineering is traditionally divided into three main stages:
·         Elicitation
·         Specification
·         Validation

20. Define OCL?
The rules and semantics of the UML are expressed in English, in a form known as object constraint language. Object constraint language (OCL) is a specification language that uses simple logic for specifying the properties of a system.

                          BASICS OF OBJECTS:

1. Give a brief note on object behavior?
              Object behavior is described in methods or procedures. Behavior denotes the collection of methods that abstractly describes what an object is capable of doing. Each procedure defines and describes a particular behavior of an object. Methods encapsulate the behavior of the object. Objects take responsibility for their own behavior.

2. What do you mean by information hiding?
            Information hiding is the principle of concealing the internal data and procedures of an object and providing an interface to each object and providing an interface to each object in such a way as to reveal as little as  possible about its inner workings.
Ø  An object is often said to encapsulate the date and a program.
Ø   Per-class protection.
·         Class methods can access any object of that class and not just the
Ø      Per-object protection.
·         Methods can access only the receiver.
3. Define class hierarchy?
              Object oriented system organizes classes into a subclass-super class hierarchy. At the top of the class hierarchy are the most general classes and at the bottom are the more specific. A subclass inherits all of the properties and methods defined in its super class. Subclasses may refine or constrain the state and behavior inherited from its super class. A class may simultaneously be the subclass to some class and a super class to another class. Formal or abstract classes have no instances but define the common behaviors that con be inherited by more specific classes.
4. Write briefly about inheritance and explain the types of inheritance.
Ø  Inheritance is the property of object-oriented systems that allows objects to be built from other objects.
Ø  Inheritance is a relationship between classes where one class is the parent class of another derived class called base class or super class.
Ø  Inheritance allows classes to share and reuse behaviors and attributes of all its super classes.
     Types of inheritance      
Ø      Dynamic inheritance. It allows objects to change and evolve over time. Since base classes provide properties and attributes for objects, changing base classes changes the properties and attributes of a class.
Ø  Multiple inheritances. Some object-oriented systems permit a class to inherit its state
(Attributes) and behaviors form more than one super class.

5. What do you mean by polymorphism?
          Polymorphism means that the same operation may behave differently on different classes. Polymorphism allows us to write generic, reusable code more easily, because we can specify general instructions and delegate the implementation details to the objects involved.

6. Explain object relationship and associations?
a. Association represents the relationships between objects and classes.
b. Associations are bidirectional.
c. Cardinality specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of an associated class.
d. Cardinality constraints the number of related objects and often is described as being “one” or “many”

7. What do you mean by consumer-producer association?
It is also known as client-server association. It uses relationship. It is a one way interaction in which one object requests the service of another object. The object that makes the request is the consumer or client and the object receives the request and provides the service is the producer or server.

8. Write about static and dynamic binding?
Ø  Static binding
   The process of determining which function to invoke at compiles time is termed as static binding. Static binding optimizes the calls.

Ø  Dynamic binding
The process of determining which functions to invoke at run time are called as dynamic binding. They occur when polymorphic calls are issued. Dynamic binding allows some method invocation decisions to be deferred until the information is known.

9. Define object persistence?
A file or a database can provide support for objects having a longer lifeline, longer than the duration of the process for which they were created. This is called object persistence. An object can persist beyond application session boundaries, during which the object is stored in a file or a database. The object can be retrieved in another application session and will have same state and relationship.

10. Define meta-classes?
If a class is an object, it must belong to a class which is called as meta-class or a class of classes. All the objects are instances of a class and all classes are instances of a meta-class. Meta-classes are used by the compiler.

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